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Ankith Abhayan

Greetings! I'm Ankith. I'm someone who's highly interested in programming and computer science.

Python is my favourite programming language. Object-Oriented-Programming is godly. Web development is interesting too.
Check out my GitHub account linked below to see what I'm working on.

Free and Open-source software is unparalleled (No I don't use Linux, unfortunately). Competitive programming has caught my attention too. Check out AdventOfCode and CodeForces.

My favourite texteditors are VScode and Sublime text. Micro is what I use for making quick edits via the terminal.
The version control system I use is git.

Member of PythonDiscord; A Discord server comprised of more than 200k python enthusiasts.

Chess is another hobby of mine which I'm highly devoted in. Check me out on Lichess and

This webpage was built using brilliant technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.